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Nusic Future Session with Hashtagobi

On Thursday 17th February 2017 I had the opportunity to help out doing the sound tech and recording for a Nusic Future Session. 

The Nusic Future Sessions are sessions created by Nusic to give up and coming musicians the experience to get themselves more well known by doing a free live session in a recording studio. The session includes recording two live tracks and recording a live video of the performance in the recording studio. Afterwards there will be an interview with the artist talking about how they got to where they are and what encouraged them to follow music. The video is then released on YouTube and is uploaded to the Nusic Website to get the musician or artist some coverage in the industry.

Hashtagobi Nusic Future Session. Credit: Nusic

The session I was a part of was with the rapper Hashtagobi who came in to record his tracks 'CLARK KENT SYNDROME' and 'U Going Out Tonight?'

The video for the session (see video) is the performance of the two tracks and an interview with the artist as previously mentioned. At the end of the video I have been written into the credits under 'Audio' along with Paul who I worked with that day. I was filling in for the other audio tech as he was away that day.

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Andrew Richardson

Want any studio time or any musical work done? 


If there's anything you need doing music wise, be it recording work, composition or mixing feel free to send me a message.

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