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Studio Recordings in Electric Mayhem

What Have I Been Working On?

Over the past year I have been in and out of the studio recording different artists and recording for my own tracks. The artists that I have worked with include: Sharks Over China, Cameron Harris and Sarah Hughes. The different sessions I have had in the studio have allowed me to learn more about the running and working of a recording studio and how to manage time more efficiently when working to a deadline. I really enjoy working in the studio because I really feel that I have a big impact on the outcome of the recording and have had, a hopefully, positive impact on someone's career which is great!

The different sessions I have worked on can be found on the above tabs which show the tracks i have recorded or helped record and small information about them.

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Andrew Richardson

Want any studio time or any musical work done? 


If there's anything you need doing music wise, be it recording work, composition or mixing feel free to send me a message.

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