Composition Work
Composing a Drum and Bass Loop
The drum and bass loop that I was asked to make was a very simple task as the loop required didn't have to be very long or complex. My client, Anthony, asked for a simple 1 minute drum and bass loop which he could use in a custom game map for Call of Duty. The loop would be playing on a radio within the map and would be heard by passing players.
I listened to some drum and bass music to get some inspiration. The reference tracks I used for the creation of this track were: 'We Won't Be Alone' and 'Fury', both by Feint. These are two songs that I like from the genre and figured it would be easier to make a song based on something I currently like and can relate to.
The finished track on SoundCloud - also available on dropbox
The track is very simple as requested by Anthony and has everything that a simple drum and bass track needs. The end result to me was very good and I was pleased with what I created considering composing music isn't my strongest suit.
After discussing the work with my client we both agreed that the final result was good and could be used in the game map. The map he has been creating has not yet been finished and as such the track hasn't been used in it yet.

The finished track arrangment in Ableton Live.